According to the Scan text for T-Rexaur, it has been “alive since the beginning of time.”
Final Fantasy VIII is the Best
And If You Don't Agree I Will Destroy You
According to the Scan text for T-Rexaur, it has been “alive since the beginning of time.”
Irvine shut the fuck up. What the fuck. Leave her alone.
Quistis, shut the fuck up. What the fuck.
If Big Selphie was real, she would ride on the outside of the train.
So, I am weird. I really, really like measuring things. I keep measuring tapes with me in multiple locations, including my office desk (where I have two types). […]
There was gonna be more to this post but honestly Laguna is a himbo and we all know it. What else is there to say.
aka there is now a contact form. Please be nice or send me your cool Final Fantasy VIII things for the next mailbag post.
My all-time favorite fighting game character is Aganos from the 2013 reboot of Killer Instinct. Rather than just having a slightly different set of punches and kicks, Aganos […]
My expectations of romance are completely unrealistic because I watched Squall jump into space with absolutely no backup plan on how to save either of them when I […]
A profile in hunger.
Girl what the hell your skeleton isn’t supposed to do that. No wonder you’re asleep for the entire Disc 3, your upper back’s gotta feel like shit. Have fun Angelo Searching for Motrin when you’re 30.
This is how I feel every day.
The Guardian Force animations are probably too long. One of the best parts of the FFVIII remaster is the ability to set the game to 300% speed, allowing […]