You’re absolutely correct that FF8 tonberry is best tonberry. You know what’s up. Here is the Tonberry King as a representative of the best design for the tonberry […]
The rawest moment in all of Final Fantasy VIII
There are a lot of moments in Final Fantasy VIII that could be categorized as “raw,” which is part of what makes the game so cool. However, there […]
Seifer got that grandpa fit
Phil recently brought up Seifer’s duster jacket and its journey through the story of Final Fantasy VIII, but I wanna bring up his grandpa fit. Do you SEE […]
Do you think Seifer cleans his pristine ankle-length coat by hand
Dude’s gotta be walking through dirt and puddles but that thing looks immaculate across three discs. What is the dry cleaning situation in Galbadia?
I had three glasses of wine at Friendsgiving and tried to play “Eyes On Me” on the host’s piano
In fairness, it’s their fault for having a copy of Piano Collections: Final Fantasy VIII sitting out.
It is once again Shut the Fuck Up Saturday
Rinoa, shut the fuck up. Squall just watched his friends almost die in a missile/robot attack. This is not about you right now.
T-Rexaur is one of the most powerful creatures in the entire Final Fantasy universe
According to the Scan text for T-Rexaur, it has been “alive since the beginning of time.”
It’s Shut the Fuck Up Saturday again
Irvine shut the fuck up. What the fuck. Leave her alone.
It’s Shut the Fuck Up Saturday
Quistis, shut the fuck up. What the fuck.
Big Selphie isn’t real and can’t hurt you
If Big Selphie was real, she would ride on the outside of the train.
I was not expecting Final Fantasy VIII to be the reason Phil learned that I am obsessed with measuring things
So, I am weird. I really, really like measuring things. I keep measuring tapes with me in multiple locations, including my office desk (where I have two types). […]
Laguna is a big himbo
There was gonna be more to this post but honestly Laguna is a himbo and we all know it. What else is there to say.
Now you can yell at me if you want
aka there is now a contact form. Please be nice or send me your cool Final Fantasy VIII things for the next mailbag post.
Get you a man who will jump into the infinite void of space for you
My expectations of romance are completely unrealistic because I watched Squall jump into space with absolutely no backup plan on how to save either of them when I […]
You cannot eat Rinoa but it was worth trying
A profile in hunger.
Posture check for Rinoa
Girl what the hell your skeleton isn’t supposed to do that. No wonder you’re asleep for the entire Disc 3, your upper back’s gotta feel like shit. Have fun Angelo Searching for Motrin when you’re 30.
I made a Final Fantasy VIII car in Forza Horizon 5 and drove it off a cliff
This is how I feel every day.
The art of storytelling in the Brothers Guardian Force
The Guardian Force animations are probably too long. One of the best parts of the FFVIII remaster is the ability to set the game to 300% speed, allowing […]