You’re absolutely correct that FF8 tonberry is best tonberry. You know what’s up. Here is the Tonberry King as a representative of the best design for the tonberry […]
The rawest moment in all of Final Fantasy VIII
There are a lot of moments in Final Fantasy VIII that could be categorized as “raw,” which is part of what makes the game so cool. However, there […]
It is once again Shut the Fuck Up Saturday
Rinoa, shut the fuck up. Squall just watched his friends almost die in a missile/robot attack. This is not about you right now.
It’s Shut the Fuck Up Saturday again
Irvine shut the fuck up. What the fuck. Leave her alone.
It’s Shut the Fuck Up Saturday
Quistis, shut the fuck up. What the fuck.
I was not expecting Final Fantasy VIII to be the reason Phil learned that I am obsessed with measuring things
So, I am weird. I really, really like measuring things. I keep measuring tapes with me in multiple locations, including my office desk (where I have two types). […]
Let’s listen to those goodass menu sounds
In this post, we appreciate the real damn good menu sound effects from FF8.
Why I love the big-ass buildings of FF8
Posting yesterday about the Horizon Bridge reminded me that I’m fascinated by massive human-made structures. Not even ones that were actually constructed. In high school, I loved reading […]
Squall is so talented that he drinks from his eyeball
Can your favorite protagonist drink from his eyeball while also being the best looking guy there? I think not. Squall 1- everyone else 0.
Get you a man who will jump into the infinite void of space for you
My expectations of romance are completely unrealistic because I watched Squall jump into space with absolutely no backup plan on how to save either of them when I […]
Dude, you can launch a dog off your arm
What’s not to love about a game where a legit move is that you can launch your pet dog off your arm to attack your enemies????
Final Fantasy VIII has the best OST of any of the FF games, and it’s not even close
Now that I’m here as a contributor, let me just get this out of the way. The soundtrack for Final Fantasy VIII is the best of any of […]
Posture check for Rinoa
Girl what the hell your skeleton isn’t supposed to do that. No wonder you’re asleep for the entire Disc 3, your upper back’s gotta feel like shit. Have fun Angelo Searching for Motrin when you’re 30.